
vineri, 28 martie 2014

Crusaders au radio !

"Crusaders Radio" s-a nascut la initiativa lui Rafael Ruiz, antrenorul echipei clujene, care a mai cochetat in trecut cu acest tip de activitate, detinand un post propriu de radio online denumit "Gotham Radio".

RR:  Back in 2002 we started a project my friend, Rune, and I about creating a Radio station that will give the chance to metal bands to showcase themselves and become a way to let new bands be heard and show themselves to record labels.
In March 17 2003 and Gotham Radio were born. Climbing to be one of the top stations in the world and leading new bands to sign deals with record labels. I created all the concept, all technical setup and 99% of the jingles were made by me too.
We were one of the first ones to be included, when back in the day Nokia had the V60, in the first VRadio application to listen t our stream in your phone.
After many years, each one of us had our own goals and lives and the station went a bit silent. Unfortunately due to some problems we lost our domain and we had to use a new one, There plans to return to do live things again in the near future.

Gazdele show-ului sunt Rafa Ruiz, Alex Bradea si cu mine, iar in fiecare emisiune veti avea parte de interviuri si invitati impreuna cu care vom discuta despre fotbal american si powerlifting, despre clubul nostru sportiv si activitatile in care este implicat, despre celelalte cluburi din Romania si despre sport in general.

RR: Crusaders radio is a new idea that follows my previous work with Gotham Radio, in this case is about all related to Cluj Crusaders, all the events, games, competition that we are involved and at the same time present music, once again give the chance to metal bands that don't have the chance to be aired in normal radio to be heard and be showcased.The main topics of conversation will be ranging from Powerlifting to American Football covering all related to our 2 main official sports as well as teach the audience about them.
Our main objective is to make our activities to be known, if we don't have the media attention, then we create our own media in which we will also help promote and showcase the rest fo the teams, Powerlifting and american football equal. 

Vor fi melodii alese pe spranceana, unele chiar in prima auditie si trimise pentru a fi difuzate de Crusaders Radio chiar de membrii trupelor.

Primele doua emisiuni (S01E01 si S01E02) s-au lansat deja si pot fi gasite pe site-ul echipei, .

Interviul n-a fost tradus din limba engleza pentru ca la fel de bilingva este si emisiunea :)

luni, 10 martie 2014

Meci amical in Ungaria

Pe 9 martie, ne-am deplasat in Ungaria, mai exact in Bekescsaba in vederea disputarii unui meci amical contra echipei locale, Raptors.

Am profitat de aceasta ocazie si am reusit sa-i iau inainte de meci un interviu celui care a castigat sezonul trecut premiul de "Rookie of the Year" sau debutantul anului, #34 Tim Maman.

A fost o ocazie buna pentru oamenii noi din echipa sa vada cum e sa joci intr-un meci "pe bune", diferenta fiind majora intre o partida, chiar daca doar de pregatire si un antrenament.

De asemenea speram sa fi fost un antrenament folositor si pentru adversarii nostri, campionatul din Ungaria incepand peste doar cateva zile.

Reamintesc ca primul meci pe care Clujul il disputa in campionatul national de anul acesta va avea loc duminica, 4 mai, impotriva celor de la Mures Monstres.